Off cuts & experiments
A series of off cuts, personal projects and the odd editorial piece.
This is a series of images from summer 2015 that I either made in my spare time, were rejected, or were actual editorial jobs
This first one was a reject...

This was an editorial piece for NFL Kickoff Magazine....

This was a rejected idea...

This might be a screen print one day. It's called 'Toby's Land' because it's based on a drawing I made of Toby's (my brother) bit of Land.

This might also be a print one day, it's based on some drawings I made near where I live in the Sussex countryside. There's a lot of Horses around here...

Here's a thing I did for 'Foreign Policy' Magazine. It was for a contents page introducing the second half of the magazine hence the somewhat random elements ranging from where to Visit in Sao Paulo to Transgender Mangas...